Anyone else feel in need of a holiday? Feel like you’re already winding down, taking your foot off the gas and ready to start celebrating Christmas? But what about giving a little bit more, before you start tucking into all those Quality Street 😬
I’m reading another great book right now, Think Like a Warrior by Darrin Donnelly.
In one of the stories he references how we don’t have total control over anything in life (we can certainly all relate to that after this past 9 months!) except for 2 things ~ our effort and our attitude.
You may have a goal to lose body fat. You can’t 100% control the speed at which you lose body fat. But you can control the effort you put in and your attitude every day, to keep working towards it.
You may have a goal to improve your strength. You can’t 100% control the speed at which your body gains muscle, strength and power. But you can control the effort you put in and your attitude every day, to keep working towards it.
You don’t have control over the specifics of the result. But you always have a choice on the effort and attitude you show up with.
If you’re not getting the results or outcome you want in any aspect of your life - not making the progress you want in your fitness, not seeing improvements in your health, not enjoying your job, not happy in your relationship - ask yourself whether you are showing up with the right effort and attitude.
Keep your effort and attitude in check, even in the run up to Christmas, keeping stacking the odds in your favour and keep building the life you love ❤️
If you need support, I am here to chat, so let me know